Statement on Gaza War
November 20, 2012 by September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
“Wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows” - Dr. Martin Luther King
The Members of September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows are immensely saddened by the recent escalation of violence in Gaza and southern Israel. We are deeply concerned about the safety of innocent civilians and the suffering and loss of life on both sides of the conflict.
We look to our courageous and committed friends in Palestine and Israel, members of the Parents Circle Family Forum, Combatants for Peace, and Just Vision, who work TOGETHER across boundaries of culture, religion, language, and against severe restrictions on movement, to understand and know one another. Their work comes out of compassion for other human beings whose lives are different, but whose needs and rights as human beings are the same. Despite the difficulties, suspicion, fear, pain, and pure logistical problems of working together, they persevere … nonviolently. Out of this willingness to talk and listen, risk and trust, has come remarkable respect and renewed commitment to continue meeting and working together. The world would call them enemies, but they call each other friend and family.
We are inspired by these courageous and wise men and women who are willing and able to move together supporting and encouraging one another along the only possible road to peace. We hope their voices rise and are heard over the clamor of violence and that the violence is brought to an end.
We are humbly grateful for the example they set for the rest of us with their very lives.