We are Trump Supporters.
We believe in absolute obedience to Trump. We believe in the oppression of those who disagree. We live in fear and know we are powerless. We are victims and Trump is our rescuer.
Our black and white worldview tells us that people are divided into two classes: the weak and the strong. Most of our social problems would be solved if we could somehow get rid of the immoral, crooked and feeble-minded people. Aggression against the weak is necessary.
We project our own feelings of inadequacy, rage and fear onto Mexicans, Muslims, and immigrants. Actually, anyone who is not with us is a valid target of our rage.
Trump & Palin trumpet victimhood over and over. We are Victims in need of Rescue by Trump-our-Rescuer to save us from Persecution by 'the other'.
The reason this kind of formulation is so dangerous in politics is that it not only fuels the fear-mongering of the oppressor that we’ve seen so much of from Republicans lately, it sets the stage for the authoritarianism (or even fascism) of the rescuer.
from the piece posted January 26, 2016 when I was blinded by confirmation bias. With apologies to Adorno, Fromm, and Butler, Dallago, LeTourneau, Williams, and Wronski
#Trump #Resist www.121contact.typepad.com