From: Robi Damelin
Date: June 1, 2010
8:02:16 AM EDT
So many experts, so much
violence, so much news, self-justification, blaming and death. Such
tragic times bring out the fear mongers from all sides convincing us all
that violence is the only way, in the belief that “we are right”.
How many more people need to die before we realize the need for
compromise and a new way of acting? We cannot go on with the same old
patterns leading to more and more violence which fuels up the conflict.
We the bereaved families of this world can tell you that nothing, no
need to be right, no proving of points, no piece of land, is worth the
life of our children who are screaming out from their graves for us to
stop the killing and insanity.
Yet, once again we have to
ask, who will console the families of the dead and wounded? Who will
convince them that their lives were worth losing because of decisions
made by careless and unthinking leaders?
How long will it
take until we understand that temporary security measures lead to
long-term hatred and perpetuate the conflict? “Let’s impose blockades,
let’s attack, let’s deprive people of freedom of movement”, we say to
ourselves. Why can’t we understand that freedom of movement is a basic
human right and depriving others of it will surely not lead to security?
We cannot keep putting plasters on the wound. As the recent tragedy has
shown once again, the solutions cannot be those which force us to take
measures which will only end in more loss of blood and destroy all
possibilities for reconciliation.
So let’s blame
the Israelis, no, lets blame the peace-makers on the boats, no, lets
blame the leaders. But who put them there ? Sorry, but the
blame game just makes us feel better about ourselves so that we do not
have to give up our national pride, or our allegiances, or our dogmatic
attachment to ideas. But where is the contribution we can make to
changing the situation and creating a more peaceful world?
Couldn’t we all for a moment in the midst of this madness just
imagine the future of our children? Once they are grown, will they too
have to be lowered onto the decks of ships in order to prove a point? Or
will their leaders have a more generous and wise spirit and understand
that violence begets violence? Will there be a spirit of
compromise, leading to a safer future for us all?
And so, what can we all do, we are just citizens of the madness.
I, for one believe that we must all take a stand and demand that the
world leaders become involved, not in taking sides and blaming one side
or the other, but in finding a way to put an end to the violence and
look for a lasting solution. Such a solution cannot be achieved merely
through paper agreements. It must include a reconciliation process.
Otherwise we will have another cease-fire and not peace.
We at the Parents Circle Families Forum have recognized from the
depths of our pain and loss that there is no revenge for the loss of a
loved one and that we, the Palestinians and Israelis in the group will
work towards an understanding of the Other’s needs which will in turn
lead to a possibility for reconciliation and -- dare we
use the word -- peace.
Robi Damelin in
the Name of David my beloved son who lost his life in the conflict.
Parents Circle - Families Forum
Palestinian and Israeli Families for
Robi Damelin's son David was killed by a Palestinian sniper while he was
guarding a checkpoint near a settlement during his army reserve
service. Robi is an active member of a group of 500 Israeli and
Palestinian families who have lost close family members and who work
together for reconciliation and a just resolution to the conflict.